Sep 29, 2017
Meet the talented Costanza Theodoli-Braschi, an artist whose work we fell in love with upon first discovery. Her creations are timeless and thoughtfully inspired – featuring illustrations full of movement and grace. Her drawings beautifully flow, capturing our attention through and through. We connected with Costanza to learn more about her and her inspirations. Read the full Q+A below:
Tell us about your background?
I was raised in London but my father is Italian and we traveled a lot during my childhood. I studied Fine Arts at St Martins College of Art. Straight after graduation I moved to NYC for a couple of months to work in the art department on a movie called The Squid and the Whale - a couple of months turned into 12 years. I recently moved to LA, which so far has been wonderfully restorative and inspiring.
How would you define your aesthetic?
Narrative, whimsical, uncanny.
Tell us about your process and what inspires you.
My process varies, depending on whether I am working on a commission, a commercial project or my own artwork. A significant source of inspiration for me comes from movies, even though my work consists of mainly drawings and paintings. I am film obsessed and am constantly watching new and old movies and collecting film stills, which I keep in my archives. I also draw inspiration from several painters and other artists, some of whom I have listed below. My husband and I recently moved to LA and are living in a canyon, which is super quiet and isolated, surrounded by nature. My art studio is a glass-house in the garden, which is like a wildlife sanctuary. There are so many incredible birds that visit while I work and all I can hear are the sounds of nature all day, so I would say that is currently my main source of inspiration and wonder!
What is your favorite thing to draw?
I love drawing women. And tiny houses. Tiny anything actually - I have always been obsessed with miniatures and micro-art.
Describe your art in three words…
Detailed, atmospheric, obsessive.
Which artists do you most admire?
Agnes Martin, Balthus, Andrew Wyeth, Louise Bourgeois, Edward Gorey, Alfred Kubin, David Lynch, Federico Fellini, Mamma Andersson and my dear friend Yelena Yemchuk.
When and how did you first learn about Lulu Frost?
Lisa and I were introduced by friends in the city and I swiftly became enamored by her and her work.


What are your top three favorite Lulu Frost pieces?
My stunning repurposed Art Deco Bracelet, the Trocadero Earrings which have beautiful Amazonite and Labradorite stones and the cool, classic, Box-Chain Choker.
Who are your top three favorite people to follow?
I don’t know if I really have a top three. I mainly just follow my friends on Instagram. But I am constantly collecting images and inspiration from all over - the web, books, life. I have endless folders on my laptop of images I’ve archived over the passed few years.
How can people follow you?
@costanzatb on Instagram.